Monday, June 28, 2010

Closing our boarders

Let me start by explaining myself and my views on this issue .We are such a great country no doubt about that . But enough is enough we have to start taking care of our people here first, we can no longer handle anymore people from abroad.The economy is in such a mess that people are losing more jobs and homes ,then there are jobs available here . Our states are broke , schools are closing and buisness's are folding up . Police officer's and other city government's are taking a huge hit on these trying times. I have seen and have heard of more teacher's and police officer's getting laid off more now then ever in my lifetime.We have countries and people who are willing to attack us . We have people crossing our border's illegally and we are taking care of them .Regardless if they are working here illegally , they still have kids . So who do you think is taking care of them.The schools in California have been closing more so than ever. Hospitals in California cannot handle or take anymore people, the state of California is a mess. If you look at California and its financial records and their Illegal population we should be learning from this. What more can we states do if our government will not step in and do their job.